Reviving Hakalau School
We began cleaning up the grounds of Hakalau School in April 2015, and we continue every month on the "Second Sunday". Our vision is the creation of the Hakalau Learning Center.
Over the years, we've also added to the list of cultural values that define Hakalau:
The Last "2nd Sunday" of 2021:
Aloha Green Team, Cheer Leaders, Supporters and Friendz!!!!
Kurt counted 22 at Lunch –Bowls and bowls and bowls of Dao’s Extra-Specialty Steaming HOT Noodle Soup!!!! Dessert Table LOADED with goodies. Magnificent, sunny, brilliant blue skies, trade winds, people sharing food, seated on the grass, spread out on the concrete pavement, and seated on the 7 wooden steps leading to the Buddha altar, the altar bedecked with Marina’s stunning, brilliant red anthurium bouquet.
This Hakalau green Team event actually began on Friday, 2 days prior, with Cyr weedwhacking “his area” fronting the road, Brad coming on Friday to create the Projects’ List, Kurt and Jeremy coming Saturday to do their “preliminary preparations.”
We thank everyone today for their steady consistent work –doing WHATEVER had to be done—the spirit of just JUMPING IN and DO IT !!!!
To experience month after month, Luckana and her many Thai women friends, Dao, Ubon and her Lao friends, Suntaree, Marina—older gracious ladies (ie., 60 & up to 82 yrs old), in charge of feeding us with the best, tastiest, homemade food; To experience Brad lead us in landscaping projects-to-do, and efficient and effective ways of yard maintenance with whatever we have; to experience Jeremy and Raven, quiet, steady, open and joyfully willing to be of service with whatever has to be done; Theresa and Adam faithfully returning, faithful servants of Hakalau School Green Team month after month while Adam lives with health and life; Kurt coming when he can, as he lives with immense responsibilities at home; Jay “Eleu” doing in calmness and high spirit whatever he is asked and doing whatever needs to be done; and newer resident Jed, just jumping in and weed-whacking steadily; Cyr our quiet GIANT of a soul who comes alone and works 1 or 2 days before 2nd Sunday, clearing his area, and if there is football, disappears; Dale, Brad’s honey and partner for life, who is one-with whatever she does—digging, weeding, raking, mowing, chopping, endlessly steadily, a force of inspiration; And today 3 young people : Easten, Nany and her Arizona friend—strong, lots of energy, go-go-go-go non-stop...YEAH YEAH YEAH directing their energies working for something greater than us all!!
We move into 2022, the Year of the Tiger (Feb. 1st), in deepest gratitude for these beings who have steadily and CONSISTENTLY JUST SHOWING UP!!!
WE bow in deepest gratitude,
the Hakalau School Ancestors and us all who love and live our beloved Hawai’i
Aloha Green Team, Cheer Leaders, Supporters and Friendz!!!!
Kurt counted 22 at Lunch –Bowls and bowls and bowls of Dao’s Extra-Specialty Steaming HOT Noodle Soup!!!! Dessert Table LOADED with goodies. Magnificent, sunny, brilliant blue skies, trade winds, people sharing food, seated on the grass, spread out on the concrete pavement, and seated on the 7 wooden steps leading to the Buddha altar, the altar bedecked with Marina’s stunning, brilliant red anthurium bouquet.
This Hakalau green Team event actually began on Friday, 2 days prior, with Cyr weedwhacking “his area” fronting the road, Brad coming on Friday to create the Projects’ List, Kurt and Jeremy coming Saturday to do their “preliminary preparations.”
We thank everyone today for their steady consistent work –doing WHATEVER had to be done—the spirit of just JUMPING IN and DO IT !!!!
To experience month after month, Luckana and her many Thai women friends, Dao, Ubon and her Lao friends, Suntaree, Marina—older gracious ladies (ie., 60 & up to 82 yrs old), in charge of feeding us with the best, tastiest, homemade food; To experience Brad lead us in landscaping projects-to-do, and efficient and effective ways of yard maintenance with whatever we have; to experience Jeremy and Raven, quiet, steady, open and joyfully willing to be of service with whatever has to be done; Theresa and Adam faithfully returning, faithful servants of Hakalau School Green Team month after month while Adam lives with health and life; Kurt coming when he can, as he lives with immense responsibilities at home; Jay “Eleu” doing in calmness and high spirit whatever he is asked and doing whatever needs to be done; and newer resident Jed, just jumping in and weed-whacking steadily; Cyr our quiet GIANT of a soul who comes alone and works 1 or 2 days before 2nd Sunday, clearing his area, and if there is football, disappears; Dale, Brad’s honey and partner for life, who is one-with whatever she does—digging, weeding, raking, mowing, chopping, endlessly steadily, a force of inspiration; And today 3 young people : Easten, Nany and her Arizona friend—strong, lots of energy, go-go-go-go non-stop...YEAH YEAH YEAH directing their energies working for something greater than us all!!
We move into 2022, the Year of the Tiger (Feb. 1st), in deepest gratitude for these beings who have steadily and CONSISTENTLY JUST SHOWING UP!!!
WE bow in deepest gratitude,
the Hakalau School Ancestors and us all who love and live our beloved Hawai’i
And then...the day after
Aloha all,
Day after Hakalau School Sunday Green Team , Easten and me went back to rake all da left-ovah grass from 8:30 a.m.-noon...took 3 1/2 hours, plus rain sometimes, rainbow sometimes, sun most of the time and some blisters on the hands...we learned a lot about the texture of grass when it is wet......grass gathers together like one musubi, and can pack plenty grass foh make one GIANT GRASS MUSUBI!!! Sometimes need 2 folks foh carry. Now Easten got plenty MULCH for his garden, in the neighbor’s empty lot...growing food, all kine kalo and olena and whatevas.....He happy, I happy, Hakalau School grounds and ancestors super happy- rainbows blessing us and the school wen we wuz raking.
in gratitude and love and holiday Hawaiian Hakalau cheer,
the ancestors and us
Aloha all,
Day after Hakalau School Sunday Green Team , Easten and me went back to rake all da left-ovah grass from 8:30 a.m.-noon...took 3 1/2 hours, plus rain sometimes, rainbow sometimes, sun most of the time and some blisters on the hands...we learned a lot about the texture of grass when it is wet......grass gathers together like one musubi, and can pack plenty grass foh make one GIANT GRASS MUSUBI!!! Sometimes need 2 folks foh carry. Now Easten got plenty MULCH for his garden, in the neighbor’s empty lot...growing food, all kine kalo and olena and whatevas.....He happy, I happy, Hakalau School grounds and ancestors super happy- rainbows blessing us and the school wen we wuz raking.
in gratitude and love and holiday Hawaiian Hakalau cheer,
the ancestors and us
For more information, including how you can participate, contact Akiko Masuda at 963-6422 or [email protected].
"2nd Sunday" Over the Years
Photos courtesy of Theresa Kong
We are thoroughly blessed indeed by the spirit of all who participate. Some of our Hakalau neighbors and elders cannot come help work so they donate money. Some of our Thai community cannot come so they too donate money for food or send food or hire someone to work in their place. We are extremely humbled by their devotion.
Prayers continue : for everyone’s good health – mind & body, for committed united belief in the vision of our Hakalau Learning Center, and deep gratitude that we are blessed to live and work here & to grow strong together.
Please consider joining the Friends of Wailea Village to support our continuing work in reviving Hakalau School with a tax deductible annual pledge of:
Contact us for free, confidential assistance with planned gifts or bequests of any kind.
With sincere gratitude for your consideration and support.
Garry Wyckoff
WVHPC Board Member
Friend of Akiko & Wailea Village
Prayers continue : for everyone’s good health – mind & body, for committed united belief in the vision of our Hakalau Learning Center, and deep gratitude that we are blessed to live and work here & to grow strong together.
Please consider joining the Friends of Wailea Village to support our continuing work in reviving Hakalau School with a tax deductible annual pledge of:
- $60 ($5/month)
- $120 ($10/month)
- or more...
- a gift of any amount for the property fund
Contact us for free, confidential assistance with planned gifts or bequests of any kind.
With sincere gratitude for your consideration and support.
Garry Wyckoff
WVHPC Board Member
Friend of Akiko & Wailea Village
Take a look at Wailea Village Historic Preservation Community and its other initiatives: Cemetery Stewardship, Senior Luncheons, and Mochi Pounding.